"The Sweethearts
Stone" faces BROCOIÓ Island, nowadays a place
of recreation for the State Governor and a long time ago a
place of quarantine for the slaves who used to arrive from
The most famous myth
of PAQUETÁ is "The Little Brunette", an Indian
myth that has been geatly divulged in the book with the same
name, by the writer JOAQUIM MANUEL DE MACEDO. The scenary
of this myth is "The Little Brunette's Stone", another
big and rounded stone that faces BROCOIÓ Island too.
The originary story is about AHY and AOITIN, two Indian lovers,
and Macedo's novel about AUGUST and CAROLINE, a young couple
of the XIXth century.
All the myths of PAQUETÁ
you can learn on the book "MYTHS OF PAQUETÁ",
by Marcelo A.L. Cardoso.
The patron saint of
PAQUETÁ is Saint Roque, whose the primary church, on
the square with the same name, was built in 1698 and around
which, at August 16th, is acelebrated the biggest popular
religious party of PAQUETÁ - The Saint Roque's Party.
But although the patron saint of PAQUETÁ is Saint Roque,
the principal catholic church of the island is The Bom Jesus
do Monte Church, at Tamoios Beach, and there are also three
protestant churches in PAQUETÁ: God's Assembly, at
Frades Beach; a Baptist Church, at Cte. Guedes de Carvalho
Street; and The Universal Church, at Moreninha Beach.
In the building of the
Public Library of PAQUETÁ, at Principe Regent Street
D. JOHN VI, the Regent Prince of BRAZIL, used to spend his
vacations, around 1808.
DE ANDRADE E SILVA, the Patriarch of Independence, also had
lived in PAQUETÁ, in a house at the beach that nowadays
has his name and where he had been jailed in domiciliar prison
in the first half of the XIXth century.
In PAQUETÁ there
are a lot of trees, with its tropical fruits, at the middle
of the streets, and whoever wants can to pick them up.
Along the entire cost
of PAQUETÁ there are a lot of stone's pears stinking
out into the sea. They had been old docks for the tying up
of the big sail boats (faluas) which were used to catching
a great amount of sea shells to the whitewash factories (caleiras)
which generally were located in front of these pears. There's
the case of the MESBLA Watch, a big marine headlight that
faces the COLONY VACANCIES OF MESBLA, a house that had been
The owner of that whitewash factory. Nowadays the watch was
built by MESBLA, a big magazine store that manages the colony
of vacancies, but the marine headlight is under the responsibility
of the Naval Service of Brazil.
There are also same
squares along the cost of PAQUETÁ that were built by
a similar way: the earth embankment of a old pears of the
whitewash factories.
At LOBOS Island there's
a marine headlight too, and this island's name is a reference
to the ferocious dogs that took change of the firewood that
were used to be stored there to being used lathery in the
ovens of the whitewash factories.
But if you like fishing
don't you think that a fishing trip would be exciting ? Then
go to the Fishers' Colony or to the Yacht Club and adjust
a trip like that !